I prayed for this
Prayed for 22 times.


I’m numb and exhausted. One moment my wife says I’m a wonderful husband and father, and then in an instant, all I hear is belittling and how terrible a husband, father, and provider I am in. At this very moment, she is on the phone talking to her aunt, running me down. I know I am not the greatest provider, but I work like crazy. She does too and she is a good wife and she loves our children. But even our children see how she flips sometimes and how it is always taken out on me. I’m so tired and so tired of there always being something that I’ve done, or not done to make everything in her life terrible. Sad to say, but I had test and chest x-rays last week and I’m not even concerned about the outcome. If something shows up, I’m not even sure I would fight it.

Received: Oct 12, 2020

I prayed for this Prayer answered
Prayed for 22 times.